Venice, Florida is a vibrant city located in Sarasota County, on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a popular tourist destination and retirement location due to its beautiful beaches, warm climate, and small-town feel. Venice…
Venice Ranked in Top 3
Move over L.A., Miami and Honolulu! Our 10 winners for Best Coastal Small Town – each with a population of fewer than 25,000 people as of the last census – offer uncrowded, unpretentious and…
Good Reading
Good Reading: Information helps enlighten us, stimulate us and protect us in this world. We encourage reading and the free press to help protect our rights. Media is one of the only means to inform…
Sarasota Chalk Festival History
The latest news and events, Our Town The Chalk Festival The festival affords you a once-a-year opportunity to become an integral part of the creative process. From start to finish, you become…