Sarasota News Events: This page is dedicated to Foodies, those who appreciate great food and wonderful restaurants. We reach upwards of 788,205 readers a day, third-party documented. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Even though we are in Florida fresh…
Winds in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame, a Scottish novelist from Edinburgh, written in 1908 explores themes of anthropomorphic animals, Mole, Rat, Toad, and Badger and all of their woodland friends. The story of…
Hamlet @ Venice Theater
Venice Little Theatre's production of Shakespeare's Hamlet is a passionate portrayal performed with a modern twist. Danish prince Hamlet discovers that his uncle Claudius murdered his father and took the throne; Hamlet’s mother has married…
Summer Circus Performances 2022
This summer to heat up with the return of the Summer Circus Spectacular The Circus Arts Conservatory continues its partnership with The Ringling to present world-class circus talent in a family-friendly show that runs for nine…
Movies, HD at Sarasota Opera
Summer Movies at Sarasota Opera House to begin Sunday, May 22 Sunday matinees “HD at the Opera House” to open with “Rigoletto,” “Classic Movies at the Opera House” Friday night series opens with “In the…
Sea Turtles Arrive 2022
Mote welcomes a busy sea turtle nesting season with first nest Here’s what you can do to keep your beach turtle-friendly The first sea turtles have officially landed on the shores of Sarasota County this…
Sarasota Gardening Guide
- Sarasota Gardening - Scroll Down to read each month We live in an area that has virtually a 12-month growing season. During the summer though many vegetables will be hard-pressed to make it…