The Sarasota World Affairs Council hosts high-profile foreign affairs lectures covering current international issues ranging from foreign intelligence to peace negotiations to immigration and trade.
Each lecture is followed by a wine and light-bites reception for SWAC members. We hope that members will take advantage of such opportunities to speak face-to-face to with those working directly in the field of international affairs.
Except for the March event, all programs will be held at the Sainer Pavilion on the campus of New College of Florida and begin at 6:30 pm. Regular programs are free for the general public, but reservations are suggested. Each lecture is followed by a members-only reception with the speaker in a historic building on Sarasota Bay.
Oct. 23, 2019 – Venezuela: A Real Threat in Our Backyard
Diego Arria
Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations and President of the Security Council – now a political and human rights activist living in exile in the US.
Nov. 11, 2019 – Migration across a Common Border:
A Challenge for Mexico and the U.S.
Gustavo Mohar
Founder and Director of Grupo Atalaya, a private Mexican consultancy that specializes in nontechnical risk and strategic intelligence.
Dec. 3, 2019 – Global Health: Why You Really Must Care
Richard Skolnik
Former Director for Health in the South Asia Region of the World Bank.
Jan. 14, 2020 – The Politics of Hate Have Driven the U.S. and Iran to the Brink
Jamal Abdi
President of the National Iranian American Council.
Feb. 11, 2020 – Not with a Bang:
Moving toward the Endgame with a Nuclear North Korea
Evans Revere
Senior Director at the Albright-Stonebridge Group.
The Rising Tide: Increasing Demand for Climate Action
Loren Blackford
President of the national Sierra Club. Pricing yet to be determined. Tickets will include an invitation to tour the beautiful gardens beginning at 5:30 p.m., an appetizer buffet, one complimentary drink ticket, cash bar, a silent auction, and the feature presentation.
April 21, 2020 – Changing the Face of Modern Ballet: The Sarasota Cuban Ballet School
Ariel Serrano and Wilmian Hernandez
Directors of the Sarasota Cuban Ballet School. Dancers from the school will demonstrate the unique aspects of the SCBS style.
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Except for the March event, all programs will be held at the Sainer Pavilion on the campus of New College of Florida and begin at 6:30 pm. Regular programs are free for the general public, but reservations are suggested. Each lecture is followed by a members-only reception with the speaker in a historic building on Sarasota Bay.