//Local Astronomy Gathering
Local Astronomy Gathering, Our Town Sarasota News Events

Local Astronomy Gathering

Sidewalk Astronomy for January 28th 2023


The Local Group of Deep Sky Observers is pleased to announce their next Sidewalk Astronomy event.

Weather permitting, on Saturday, January 28, 2023 starting at 6:00 p.m., and continuing until 10:00 p.m., the members of the Local Group will set up their high-quality telescopes in the parking lot at the southeastern corner of Sarasota’s Celery Fields Park.

Home to the Sarasota Audubon Society, located at 6893 Palmer Boulevard, Sarasota, if you are attending this event as a member of the public, parking will be available in the large lot just WEST of the Nature Center building. The telescopes will be set up in the parking lot on the east side of the Nature Center.

(Telescopes will NOT be set up at the top of the hill.)

The evening’s observing highlights will feature a veritable parade of planets: Venus, Mars and Jupiter will all be targets, and the evening’s event will present the final opportunity to observe Saturn and its beautiful rings at Sidewalk Astronomy until September! Even the two most distant planets, Uranus and Neptune, will be observable through the telescopes during the course of the evening. In addition, phenomenal close-up details of the first quarter Moon will also be offered through the club member’s telescopes during the night.

As always, Sidewalk Astronomy is free of charge and is open to people of all ages.