Who Knew: Andrew Economos, Sarasota Inventor

Radio’s Most Innovative: Andy Economos’ Selector He and his wife donate $1 million dollars to Mote and Red Tide Research. By · Fred Jacobs   www.Jacobsmedia.com/blog (OTS: We came across Andrew Economos via a press release from Mote noting…

Mote Studies New Living Seawall

MOTE SCIENTISTS TO STUDY SARASOTA’S NEW ‘LIVING SEAWALL’  October 18, 2018  Stephannie Kettle Installation of a living seawall at Sarasota's Bayfront Park in October 2018. Credit: City of Sarasota Mote Marine Laboratory scientists are monitoring the…


CA' D'ZAN'S SWIMMING POOL IS RESTORED Courtesy Ringling Museum. In May of 2018 restoration of the swimming pool in front of Ca’ d’Zan began. This project was a dream of long-time Keeper of the Ca’…

What's Is It Like Living in Sarasota: U.S.…

What is it like living in Sarasota? What's is it like to live in Sarasota, FL? Best Places to Live #1 Austin, TX #2 Colorado Springs, CO #3 Denver, CO #4 Des Moines, IA #5 Fayetteville, AR Profile written by…

Where Does Sarasota Stand

Where does Sarasota Stand.... MOST POPULAR COUNTIES FOR AGING AMERICANS  by Richard Chace It is no surprise that with continued advances in health care, nutritional awareness and medical science, people are living longer. With oldest Baby Boomers…

Sarasota Growth, How Will It Roll Out?

Sarasota Growth, How Will It Roll Out? Another 100,000 people by 2025? That's what some people say. Meanwhile, the City of Sarasota and Sarasota County attempt to deal with gridlock by saying they want people…

Sarasota's Hidden Connections to the Civil War

Sarasota's Hidden Connections to the Civil War "My family and I recently took a min-vacation in Sarasota, Florida. The sunshine and clear blue waters were a welcome break from the bleak and cold weather back…